cat advice, Health Topics

RNA corona viruses have always existed in cats.

The cat can be infected by two strains of coronavirus which, rest assured, are not transmissible to humans.

FECV(Feline Enteric Corona Virus), which is 95% present in the feline population, causes small passages of diarrhea. It is not serious or even asymptomatic.

FIPV or FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis) is a mutation of FECV.

FIP, a mutant virus that is extremely dreaded in catteries and homes.

FIP, a mutant of the benign strain, is hyper-virulent because it is able to penetrate the cells involved inimmunity. This is why it causes long-lasting infections, its replication is 10 to 100 times greater than that of FECV.

There are two forms of FIPV:

➤ The dry form
also known as the nodular form, which is a formation of numerous small inflammatory nodules in various organs: liver, pancreas, spleen... These nodules may also be present in the lymph nodes.

➤ The moist form
which creates the accumulation of a yellow-brown secretion in the thoracic, abdominal or pelvic cavity caused by the inflammatory process of the serous skins lining the inside of the body.

Identify the symptoms of FIPV

FECV results in mild diarrhea and some fever, while FIPV causes a multitude of symptoms and severe health problems such as:

  • A general state in free fall
  • Severe spikes in fever
  • Abnormal fatigue,
  • Abdominal swelling along with weight loss
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Paralysis, coordination problems
  • Mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth may become yellowish
  • The cat can suffer from dehydration
  • Ophthalmological abnormalities...

Of course, your veterinarian will be able to confirm or deny a FIP infection through various tests.

Some cats are more at risk than others depending on their age, breed, lifestyle and sex.

In general, 5% of cats with FECV will develop FIPV.

➤ 53% of infected cats are pedigree cats. It is certain that the viral pressure is more important in breeding, however the probability of a genetic sensitivity is not to be excluded

A 2004 study suggests a genetic sensitivity and according to the same study, the most prone breeds are : Abyssinians, Bengals, Birmans, Ragdolls and Rexes.

➤ Males would also be more affected than females

➤ High prevalence between 6 and 24 months of age and in cats older than 7 years. The problem is rare in kittens under 6 months of age, probably due to maternal antibodies

Lifestyle seems to have an impact on the incidence of the virus. Indeed, it affects 84% of show cats versus 28% of home cats.

The modes of transmission of the NIF

➤ Fecal matter

➤ Urine

➤ Oro-nasal secretions

Allopathic treatments and/or vaccination

Currently, allopathic treatments for FIP are only palliative.

The development of a vaccine is very complex and cannot deal with all the strains, of which there are many.

Vaccines have been developed but they have not provided any real protection and have even caused a faster death in vaccinated animals.

However, there is a vaccine marketed in the US and in some European countries. However, it has not been granted MA (Marketing Authorisation) in France.


Switching from FEPV, a benign form of corona virus, to FIPV or PIF occurs in 5% of cats. It is necessary to understand that the immune response plays a major role in whether or not this transition occurs. The lower your cat's immunity, the higher the chance of your cat becoming ill.

From strong immune defensesare the cat's greatest ally in good health, ensuring that it will be ill less often and recover more quickly when it is.

Has your cat had coronavirus? Share your experience with us in the comments ↓

One Response to "Coronavirus in cats: infections, symptoms, transmission"


there is now a treatment that is not done at the veterinarians but by an association. it is very heavy and very expensive injections every day at the same time. my daughter saved a young exotic with this treatment.

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