horse advice, Health Topics

Why is it important to prepare your horse for competition?

It is important to know that horse racing is a physically intense event that requires a certain amount of effort from the horse. In order to preserve its physical and mental health, it is important to prepare for the competition period.

In order to ensure the horse's performance during the tests, several factors must be taken into consideration to properly prepare the horse for the effort. This is the key to success!

Indeed, the horse must be put in physical condition weeks before the competition. For racehorses, training sessions are scheduled well in advance.

Among the points of vigilance, it is recommended to support the cardio-respiratory and musculo-skeletal system of the horse. This will ensure the horse's well-being and avoid any trauma or physical injury.

The preparation includes physical exercises adapted to the horse and the nature of the competition. A well-muscled horse will have much less chance of injury and will recover more easily.

Natural food supplements are generally very appreciated for their healthy composition and their action that helps to recover faster.

Doping horse competition

Banning doping products in equestrian competition

Doping is one of the important issues in the equestrian world. Indeed, many cases are identified very regularly. The official bodies reinforce the anti-doping controls to fight against fraud. We are talking about the animal as well as the rider.

Substances that act on the body, procedures aimed at modifying physical capacities such as neurectomy or diuretic doping products should be banned.

The few products that are acceptable are anti-parasitics, anti-infectives or vaccines that should not be administered within 7 days before the horse show.

There are other legal and safe alternatives to improve the horse's performance and prepare it for competition.

For example, we can mention food supplements based on active principles of plants that strengthen the body health of the horse.

Opt for food supplements

The preparation of the horse for the competition is generally done in 2 stages: before the competition for the physical condition and also after for the post competition recovery.

The adaptation of the feed is one of the important aspects to prepare the horse for exercise. The choice of feed should be based on the type of exercise and the health of the animal.

Lore & Science has formulated specific products to best meet the needs of the horse in the context of sporting events.

Before the equestrian competition

This preparation phase is very important to boost the horse's performance. The focus is on the musculo-skeletal metabolism consisting of the skeleton, muscles and tendons.

The goal is to avoid cramps, soreness and myositis. The latter is an inflammation of the muscle triggered by exercise. It is characterized by :

  • Hard muscles on palpation
  • Sweating
  • Brown urine due to the presence of myoglobin in the blood

It can happen that some horses are more fragile than others in terms of back and even joints. In some cases, a decrease in motivation to work can be felt.

The special range of Lore & Science sports events offers the natural products Art Flash and Cortiphyt to those responsible for the horses.

  • Art Flash has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that relieve lameness and promote the recovery of mobility.
  • Cortiphyt improves the flexibility of the horse's spine and promotes motivation to work.

To have visible results, we recommend taking the two food supplements during the 3 days before the event and every day during the competition period.

After the equestrian competition

It is important to know that sports efforts lead to the production of lactic acids and cellular oxidation. It is therefore essential to give special care to the horse after the competition to promote muscle recovery and help eliminate waste.

This will help to protect him from pathologies related to too much physical effort such as arthritis.

The Acidless product helps the athletic horse to recover more quickly and without after-effects. Formulated from medicinal plants and essential oils, it can also be used in case of myositis.

It is added directly to the horse's feed for 3 days after the sporting effort with a quantity of 20 ml per day.

In addition to nutritional supplements, it is possible to facilitate post-training recovery through theapplication of external treatments and targeted massages.

Do you compete in equestrian events? Share your experience with us in the comments ↓

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